

Computing tools and activities

Encryption Resources

Caesar Cipher

A tool to generate a Caesar cipher with a give shift from text and an activity to practice decoding encrypted messages

Polyalphabetic Cipher

A tool to generates a Polyalphabetic cipher with a give shift values from text and an activity to practice decoding encrypted messages

RSA Activity

A tool to generates an RSA cipher with given keys from text and an activity to practice decoding encrypted messages. There are also activities to practice the number theory concept required by RSA Cryptography.

Vernam Cipher

A tool to generates a Varnam cipher with a given alphabet from text and an activity to practice decoding encrypted messages

Miscellaneous Resources

Circular Queue Activity

A tool to demonstrate how a circulate queue works

Error Correction and Detection

A tool to demonstrate parity checking, Checksums, Hamming Codes and Gray Codes.

Reverse Polish Activity and Calculator

A tool to demonstrate how a Reverse Polish calculator works.

Turing Machines

A tool to demonstrate how basic Turing machines work.

Logic Gates Matching Cards

A sheet of logic gate cards.